Friday, May 15, 2009

America Runs on Dunkin'

I've enjoyed coffee for over 30 years. Most of those have been decaf years. Don't say anything, because I just love the smell and the taste, but could not handle caffeine. I can handle it now, and for some reason, I love coffee even more. I have become my mother. My mother begins every morning with prayer and coffee, and her prayer includes, "Thank you, GOD, for my coffee. It is so good." She also told me that the day she does not want coffee, is the day that she dies. It brings her such pleasure. And that's how I feel. I really like it. And guess what? I drink Dunkin' Donuts coffee. I bought the extra large bag at Costco. It's so pretty. And when I open it, it makes me happy.
In my recent Bible Study, "Walking by Faith, Lessons Learned in the Dark" we studied the parable of the sower and one pastor's comments on the seeds that fell in the thorns was this:
" 'The pleasures of this life and the desires for other things'-these are not evil in themselves. These are not vices. These are gifts of GOD. They are your basic meat and potaotes and COFFEE and gardening and reading and decorating and traveling and investing and TV- watching and Internet-surfing and shopping and exercising and collecting and talking. All of them can become deadly substitutes for GOD."
I don't want to depend on coffee. I want to depend on GOD, but I am so grateful that HE gives me many little pleasures that make my life so enjoyable. So sweet. Man, HE'S good to me.
And yes, all this talk about coffee makes me want some, so, I'm off to the kitchen!

Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him

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