Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Windows Live Calendar Alerts

I "found" an online calendar in my hotmail account and decided to start using it for special events and appointments that I would probably forget about because......I'm..... forgetful. Cool. I also realized I could send messages to my e-mail account and to my phone to remind me of my events. Very Cool. What I didn't count on was Alert Spam. So everyday I receive an e-mail and a text message that says, " You have no events on Tuesday, May 5, 2009." That's the latest one. I get these everyday. After about three weeks of this, I actually started getting annoyed and then feeling kind of sorry for myself. "YOU HAVE NO LIFE" is what these messages yelled at me everyday. But GOD is so good to me and HE spoke to my heart and said something like, "No, you don't have a bunch of meetings scheduled each day with people that run the world, but I do have things planned especially for you." Super Duper Cool. This morning, before I blogged, I located the little box in the calendar options that says, "Receive a daily e-mail schedule for this calendar" and I unchecked it. : )

Jeremiah 29:11For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD


  1. Now that's the wisdom I was talking about!!!

  2. oh my gosh! I'm sooo excited you are doing this...please blog every day!! :)

  3. Everyday! I can barely think of what to say once a week, but thanks for the encouragement.
